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Dry hair

Dry hair will not heal itself – nourish it with quality oils and natural ingredients, and stop using foams, gels, hairsprays and other hair styling products. Hairsprays, gels, foams and other hair styling products are the worst enemies of dry hair. In second place are colours and shampoos for hair colouring. Many experts claim that the best thing you can do for dry hair is to stop using the same. In order to see the first effects – you have to be patient for at least half a year. Also – for at least half a year – hair colours and all treatments such as waves, straightening with an iron and the like should not be used. Just like all of us – hair also needs space and time.

Dry hair requires hydration and in-depth care and most of all rest and regeneration.
Mask and treatments after washing
After washing the hair with an appropriate shampoo, apply a mask. A mask, package or any other treatment you will apply on the hair after washing must contain proteins. When it comes to hair – the most important protein is keratin. It is the hair building protein. Every hair consists of a long chain of proteins. Keratin protects hair from exterior influences. Keratin forms a protective layer making the hair more resistant and stronger.
Protective layer on the hair
When you are using a quality product on the basis of keratin, the hair obtains an additional protective layer. That will make the hair more resistant to breaking and all other external influences and possible damaging. The hair will automatically be stronger and appear fuller and thicker. In time your hair will become fuller, thicker and shiny, with a stronger hair structure and it will be easier to shape it.
La Croa - Nourishing - Argan & Macadamia oil
For dry hair use products from line Nourishing – Argan & Macadamia

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